I haven't been out taking photos mostly because it has been pretty foggy (as it always is in summer in Coastal California) and I haven't really had the time to travel to other, non-foggy places. Last week I got a nice sunny day (and it happened to be a day off) so what better way to spend it? Right, taking photos of otters, the little critters I look at day in and day out. Sea otters never get boring because they are constantly eating different things. For me, and many of my coworkers, there is this constant sense of excitement while watching an otter forage. Sometimes they are reliable, coming up with the same thing time after time, but you never know when they will bring up something new and different. For me, this is what makes my job interesting, but it also makes photographing otters very interesting and always different.
I think of my photos like trading cards. I don't have any otters eating ____ yet. Or I have one, but I want a better one! Wednesday (Sept 7th) I went to the coast guard jetty in Monterey and found an otter who was eating sand dollars. This behavior is not new for me, but it is one prey item I have not gotten on film (well, not really on film anymore....) yet so I was excited. I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I enjoy taking them! It isn't my fault if it makes you want some cookies after viewing :)