Friday, December 10, 2010

Birthday Photos!

I am really behind on photo editing.... I have a few folders that haven't even been touched yet, but I had to add these two photos from my birthday. They are of a popular tagged otter in Monterey that is known as REPU, given that name because his flipper tags are red and purple which is re and pu when shortened. He is a favorite otter of a few trackers because he is very grizzled and pretty reliable as to his location and the females resting around him. On my birthday, Carolyn and I stopped to see if there were any 'close' otters and got to see REPU about 20 feet away from us swimming with another tagged otter in the surf. I took a lot of photos and there will be more posted later, but for now here are two photos of REPU, the stud of Lover's Point. (BTW the second photo could be my new favorite otter photo I have taken)


  1. These photos are soooo adorable.The pix are so sharp,even the water looks so crisp.Good job.We love it!!!!

  2. I love that second photo too - awesome!
