Here are the rest of the photos from my Glacier Bay trip. I have not begun on the rest of my Southeast journey, so this is just the end of the beginning.
I saw this black bear (who is mearly brown in color, NOT a grizzly bear!) at Bartlett Cove on my last day in Glacier Bay.
Ravens chasing a bald eagle |
The sun through the clouds while I was waiting for otters to start foraging. |
The following photos are from the last day I collected foraging data. I was on Francis island and had the fortune of many close foragers right before Ben and Ken came to pick me up. Although I was standing in the same place and all of these photos were taken within 20 minutes of each other, the color and quality is all over the place because some otters were facing into the sun and others were nicer and went around the corner.
First, A little mom and pup series:
Mom feeding her pup some urchins. |
Female otter eating Mya clams |
Mom eating Saxidomus clams (butter clams)
Mom eating Saxidomus clams |
Otter eating green urchins |
Mom and pup with Modilous mussels (horse mussels). She is banging one on another to get them open. |
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